Ground Run-up Enclosures | GRE's

IAC Acoustics ground run-up enclosure gre's computer simulation

The Ground Run-up Enclosure (GRE) is a combined acoustic and jet blast protection structure that allows aircraft engine testing either for first engine runs after manufacture or post maintenance activities for MRO’s or airlines.

The dual function provides acoustic benefits of up to 20dB(A) by providing noise absorption and blocking the transmission of noise directly to noise sensitive locations while incorporating jet blast protection built into the rear wall structure.

Beyond the need to provide acoustic and blast protection, the GRE is required to provide an aerodynamically stable testing environment for all aircraft in as wide a range of meteorological conditions as possible, this is what ultimately determines the success of a facility design.

The IAC GRE has been developed through an in depth knowledge of aerodynamics and a history of providing full performance test facilities to all the major engine manufacturers.

Starting from scratch IAC were determined to let nothing divert from achieving the best aerodynamic and acoustic performance combination for our modern state of the art facilities and used high performance computational fluid dynamics software and modelling techniques to iteratively refine the shape and provide the ultimate in GRE performance.

The end result is a GRE that provides superior acoustic and aerodynamic performance over the widest possible range of ambient conditions.

Talk to us today

Please contact us for advice relating to your new project.

Anna Taylor

+44 (0) 1962 873068
+44 (0) 7738 658125


Key Features of the IAC GRE

  • Fully scalable design for code C (III), D (IV), E (V) & F (VI) aircraft
  • Combined construction rear wall structure, aerodynamically shaped to provide blast control and acoustic performance
  • Can be constructed to existing foundations or new (subject to assessment)
  • Unique shape and aerodynamic features to promote excellent airflow characteristics with elimination of recirculation of exhaust gasses
  • Excellent performance in crosswinds, increasing usability in accordance with aircraft manufacturer ground running limitations
  • Ultra-low maintenance in any environment due to materials of construction
  • Exceptional acoustic performance, providing maximum attenuation for this type of facility
  • Wide range of operational options including lighting, weather monitoring and display, CCTV systems, control room/acoustic room for operators, acoustic monitoring and recording, fire protections systems

IAC Acoustics without top without below ground run-up enclosure heat map

IAC provide the complete turnkey service for the GRE and can design the required civil works and foundations, provide lighting maps, full electrical systems for ground power, monitoring and recording systems, airfield obstruction lighting, special signage, emergency exit doors and can supply this service globally for any airport and any customer via our manufacturing capabilities at our global sites from the UK to Australia.  No other company can provide the level of experience in both acoustics and aerodynamics to ensure the GRE meets ALL the required performance targets.

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