Acoustic Doors & Doorsets
IAC Acoustics is a global supplier of high-performance steel acoustic doors and door sets. Our range covers the typical professional application requirements between Rw50dB and Rw63dB with guaranteed in-field performance. As a manufacturer with over seventy years of experience, we are adept at solving issues relating to noise isolation and containment. Typically this is where the specification and quality of the complete acoustic doorset solution is vital.
IAC offers a wide range of standard acoustic door models. We have the ability to custom design and manufacture doors to suit specific applications. We provide CE Marked and Fire Rated versions alongside laboratory certified acoustic performance, with guaranteed installed acoustic performance levels.
Over one million Noise-Lock®, Super Noise-Lock® acoustic doorsets have been installed in industrial and commercial buildings throughout the world.
Typical applications include hospitals, commercial buildings, broadcast studios, nightclubs, theatres, laboratories, data centres, plant rooms, and power stations. IAC Acoustics delivers solutions to virtually any situation where it is required to contain or exclude noise from a room or building.