Jet Blast Protection Solutions

IAC’s range of Jet Blast Protection Solutions deliver superior protection in the widest possible range of airfield applications, while providing outstanding operational performance and flexibility.  

For over 70 years IAC have been developing solutions with clients where people make the difference to the project outcome.   Discover the IAC advantage, combining our global experience and expertise in acoustics, with extensive technical knowledge of aircraft and engine testing compliance. 

IAC’s range of jet blast deflectors for airports are all safety and performance orientated. They are designed to protect infrastructure, personnel and vehicle movements where noise and safety are major challenges.  Our goal is to promote a protected environment both on and off airport by reducing the impact of noise and jet blast.

Airport operational efficiency can be severely restricted by noise emission and control issues relating to ground run-up engine maintenance testing.  IAC’s solution is a ground run-up enclosure or GRE – a high performance aerodynamically designed acoustic enclosure.  Offering market leading performance with a scalable cost-effective modular design, we are able to extend the availability and operational effectiveness of aviation engine testing facilities.

Our Ground Run-up Enclosures and Jet Blast Deflector solutions can be applied from the smallest private airports right the way through military applications and to the largest of commercial international airports.

Talk to us today

Please contact us for advice relating to your new project.

Anna Taylor

+44 (0) 1962 873068
+44 (0) 7738 658125


Jet Blast Deflectors

General Application Principles

Jet blast deflector fences or barriers are used to control the impact of aircraft generated airflow as they manoeuvre around an airfield, or during ground testing at higher engine power settings.

There are many instances why blast deflector fences would be necessary and a wide variety of applications to be found at most airfields. This is particularly true for airfields with limited space and crowded infrastructure, but is also a vital part of both existing airport development and new airport design.

The principle reason for a jet blast deflector fence is to provide an aerodynamically efficient device to control the engine efflux of aircraft. This must be capable of providing protection at whatever power level the aircraft deploys as it maneuvers around the airfield. The jet blast deflectors are typically necessary to protect buildings, roadways, vehicles and personnel where the jet efflux may cause damage or constitute a risk to safety, as per 2.88 in CAA Airside Safety Management, CAP642 Issue 3 Nov 18

We provide a range of jet blast protection fences to meet an airport’s needs across complex airfield infrastructure for a wide variety of aircraft. Our range has been developed with this in mind, providing a flexible, safe and cost-effective solution.  We support you throughout specifying, selecting, manufacturing and installing the equipment to ensure it is appropriate for the environment and aircraft application.

Product Solutions

The Vertical Mesh Barrier is a highly efficient, low footprint, visually transparent jet blast deflector system that provides protection for operations at break-away power settings.  It is an appropriate blast deflection solution for all aircraft up to and including the Airbus A380. 

Designed specifically for areas where a small installation footprint is necessary and where multiple changes of aircraft direction are required.  The mesh was selected to give the optimum balance of aerodynamic performance, transparency and strength whilst being lightweight for shipping and installation.

Certain scenarios require visual transparency with enhanced aerodynamic performance. The Angled Mesh Barrier gives an almost 90 degree change of direction to the jet flow. This increases the size (height) of the protected area behind the barrier, giving a wider range of options for application when a larger base footprint is available.

We also provide the option of a palletised version designed for flexible applications, temporary locations and developing airports. Typically this may be where infrastructure is being changed or implemented while keeping the airport fully operational and protected. 

Each barrier section is mounted to a concrete pallet, positioned via fork-lift or crane using the integral lifting points. The robust construction enables frequent repositioning to suit multiple configurations.  It can be converted to a fixed barrier by removing it from the pallet and re-erecting to standard foundations.

For the full range of aircraft at all power settings, the Curved Solid Barrier gives the maximum possible protection. The shape was developed using sophisticated computer modelling techniques which have been field verified and demonstrate the principle  to ‘collect’ and then ‘eject’ the jet blast in the most efficient aerodynamic way.

Designed and manufactured with special corrugated sheet material used to provide the deflecting surface. Its dimpled surface provides up to 30% added strength allowing the use of lighter materials for easier handling and reduced shipping costs. The modular system is designed with the minimum number of individual components to simplify manufacture and assembly.

In association with our global partners (Blastwall Ltd), IAC can offer the original and patented fiberglass barrier series of products for deflector installations near to airport systems such as radar or ILS. The fiberglass barrier solution is frangible for impact risk and also completely corrosion free due to its material of construction, including fibreglass bolts. It is lightweight and easy to assemble, with lifting equipment only necessary for the larger versions. This barrier is ideal for end of runway applications where passing roadways need protection.




Our specialist acoustic barriers to mitigate noise problems can provide over 10dB(A) reduction in noise levels when installed. The barriers, depending on performance requirements, will use one of our standard acoustic panels integrated to structural steel columns to form a continuous surface that can offer absorption as well as excellent transmission loss performance. All components are designed for extremely low maintenance, continuous outdoor use in harsh environments and will give many years of environmental noise reduction following installation.


Bespoke Designs

IAC has designed a series of jet blast deflector systems that should cover every possible aircraft requirement, but there is always an exception to the rule. We are available to discuss and propose a solution to your specific jet engine noise mitigation requirement. If we cannot find a way to apply or adapt one of our existing barriers we can develop a bespoke solution – from ultra-high temperature to unique shapes or even powered moveable barriers.

Jet Blast Deflector - Product Attributes

  • Jet Blast Fences available for all aircraft and all power settings
  • All hot dip galvanized structure and fixing components
  • Locking fixings used throughout to prevent FOD
  • Fully aerodynamically modelled and tested to give excellent aerodynamic performance
  • Fully structurally load tested to optimize component sizing
  • Globally sourced and manufactured
  • Skilled installation teams or supervised install programs
  • Options for painting using airport standard high visibility colour schemes
  • Options for adding obstruction lighting and signage
  • Line of sight through mesh barrier products
  • Frangible fixing systems available

Ground Run-Up Enclosures [GRE]

General Application Principles

IAC’s Ground Run-up Enclosure (GRE) is a combined acoustic and jet blast protection single structure that facilitates aircraft engine testing.  Typically either for first engine runs after manufacture or post maintenance activities, for MRO’s or airlines. The dual function provides acoustic benefits of up to 20dB(A) by providing noise absorption and reducing noise transmission to sensitive locations, while incorporating jet blast protection integrated into the rear wall.

Airport noise emissions are increasingly restricting the operational flexibility of many airports.  IAC’s GRE offers market leading noise reduction and aerodynamic performance to maximise operational availability, in a single construction.  The combined design features  integrate and harmonise aero acoustics more effectively than individual construction components.

Our field proven GREs have been in use globally since the mid-1980s.  The key principle of the design is a scalable and modular construction process which provides a cost effective solution with a minimum footprint and maximum space utilisation. 

Key Features

Our GRE design ensures that we maximise efficiency in airfield operations.  Designs are optimised for aero acoustics to enhance crosswind and tailwind operation, increasing the availability of run-up time and operational flexibility.

As part of our project scope we support collaboration on Noise Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessments, alongside wider briefs and specialist assessment of site noise performance requirements.  Specialist noise requirements may require a multitude of installations from our Jet Blast Deflector and GRE solutions.

Applications for IAC GRE’s cover both Civil and Military requirements, with additional options for afterburner configurations.  For military applications we conduct specialist confidential consultations on request to assess your project scope and specification needs. We manufacture using hot dipped galvanised structural steel with a design life of over 50 years.  Additionally concrete jet blast deflector panels offer ‘zero’ maintenance, ensuring a robust and long term solution for applications today and in the future.

You can learn more about our aerodynamic design research and development on the GRE solutions page.  Our design brings together aerodynamics and test facility experience for global aero engine manufacturers.  We combine this with over 70 years of acoustics experience to deliver superior noise control and aerodynamic performance over the widest possible range of ambient conditions.  This facilitates more efficient and effect engine run-up testing and airfield operations, maximising your ROI.

Our GRE solution consists of four proprietary design elements which are key factors in delivering our market leading aero-acoustic ground run-up enclosure:

Single construction rear wall aerodynamically shaped to collect, deflect and eject exhaust gases.  This minimises re-ingestion and maximises crosswind/tailwind performance

Our parallel sidewall solution with silenced air intakes and aerodynamically designed features, maintains acoustic performance whilst promoting high quality, laminar air flow through the facility.  This minimises vortices, turbulence, reingestion and maximises crosswind/ tailwind performance

Modular high performance acoustic absorptive panels are certified and field proven for the noise control of emissions and limiting environmental noise impact

Acoustic absorptive vertical air intake silencers within the Aerowall for improved airflow quality and engine performance.  Certified and field proven acoustic performance to augment the installations overall environmental noise control capabilities

Civil Aviation Standard Configurations

Typical civil aircraft codes and standard size configurations are indicated below.  We understand that not all applications are alike and welcome the opportunity to consult further with you on developing or meeting your specification:

ICAO/CAAFAATypical AircraftInt. Width (m)Ext. Width (m)Height (m)Length (m)
Code FClasse VIB747-8 / A3809010016101
Code EClasse VB777 / B787 / A330 / A350
Code DClasse IVB76762711286
Code CClasse IIIB737 / A220 / A320 / ERJ19546551062

GRE Additional Options 

We are able to provide options to increase the functionality and client specific requirements of the GRE solution, ensuring it meets the needs of your operational and safety processes.  Some typical examples are included below,
  • Remote test viewing & digital recording
  • High level lighting
  • Low level lighting (increased underwing visibility for maintenance works)
  • Acoustic control and observation cabins
  • Weather station: wind direction, speed, temperature
  • Wind sock
  • Personnel escape doors
  • Fire protection hardware cupboards
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