New Acoustic Movable Wall Solutions from IAC Acoustics
May 19, 2021 | Movable Walls, WorkplaceIAC Acoustics’ TrackwallⓇ brand of acoustic movable wall partition systems was synonymous with quality and installed acoustic performance for installations throughout the UK, USA and the rest of the world. After a period away from the market we are pleased to announce the return of TrackwallⓇ in the form of solid and glazed panel movable walls for larger installations, alongside a glazed sliding folding partition system for smaller architectural spaces.
Acoustic movable walls systems provide flexible and reconfigurable multi-purpose spaces with a multitude of different applications. Transforming a large wide open exhibition hall into smaller manageable breakout rooms or simply allowing a set of small office workspaces to open into a larger meeting area when required. They are constructed from a series of panels connected with interlocking seals, providing insulation from sound and temperature changes. However, the standout feature of an excellent movable wall system is the ease of set-up. TrackwallⓇ offers ease of use and operation with a choice between three system operations, manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic, all guarantee a quick, simple and safe way to transform a room or event space into numerous configurations.
Many configurable options are available with fully opaque finishes to single and double-glazed panel options allowing for aesthetic architectural noise control solutions to suit any existing space. Huge floor to ceiling panels create movable walls for conference centres which can be neatly stacked or folded away into a wall cavity ready for construction when required along their floor or ceiling tracks. These load bearing tracks allow for a rapid transformation of a large area with limited operatives required even with a fully manual set-up. Each panel is simply moved along its load bearing track into position to be locked and sealed creating a seamless finish.
Sliding folding partitions provide a solution for smaller areas and are excellent for division of space to create multi-functional spaces, particularly within an office, education or studio environment. Folding and pivoting panels hung from ceiling and floor tracks provide a stylish and seamless glazed divide and are available in a multitude of configurable options including colourful opaque finishes if required. Hidden hinges, sliding doors and fully pivoting panels are all available features which enable a sliding folding partition to suit any situation – from a simple room divide, or to transform an open plan office set-up into smaller stylish and productive temporary glazed office pods. Temporary meeting rooms can be created by simply folding away a dividing wall or large teaching spaces can be divided up to be more conducive to smaller group activities and one-to-one tuition.
TrackwallⓇ movable wall and sliding folding partition systems complete our portfolio of products for architectural applications – by combining acoustic doors, walls and windows, architects have the freedom and confidence to design full acoustic solutions to partition spaces while consolidating design, specification, installation and acoustic guarantees to a single source manufacturer. We welcome the opportunity as always to discuss project and product specifications further with you.
Paul Gilbert
Sales Manager – Architectural Products
+44 (0) 1962 873144